Former The Strategic Financial Alliance, Inc. and Green Vista Capital, LLC Broker Faces Multiple Customer Complaints Regarding Conservation Easements

Green Vista Capital

Former Green Vista Capital, LLC broker Andrew Miles (CRD# 5986774) regarding faces multiple customer complaints related to unsuitable investment recommendations. He was registered with Green Vista Capital, LLC in Winter Park, Florida, from 2018 to 2021. Previously, he was registered with The Strategic Financial Alliance, Inc. in Vero Beach, Florida, from 2011 to 2018.

Andrew Miles  Customer Complaints

He has been the subject of eight customer complaints between 2019 and 2023, according to his CRD report:

May 2023. “claimants allege reasonable basis unsuitability; breach of fiduciary duty; negligence/gross negligence/negligence per se; negligent misrepresentation; intentional misrepresentation/omission; aiding and abetting a fraud; negligent hiring, retention, supervision; breach of contract, violation of the Florida securities and investor protection act; aiding and abetting violation of the Florida securities and investor protection act; equitable rescission.” The customer is seeking $700,000 in damages and the case is currently pending. The complaint took place while he was registered with Green Vista Capital, LLC, and it was regarding conservation easement investments

August 2022. “Claimants allege unsuitable recommendation, breach of fiduciary duties, gross negligence and negligent hiring, retention and supervision of outside business activities.” The customer is seeking $700,000 in damages and the case is currently pending. The complaint took place while he was registered with Green Vista Capital, LLC, and it was regarding private placements.

May 2021. “Claimants allege that respondents did not conduct a reasonable due diligence on conservation easement investments made on December 22, 2015, December 3, 2016 and November 24, 2017, that the investments were misrepresented to them and that investments were unsuitable because they were misrepresented to them and claimants did not understand the investments.” The customer sought $126,656 in damages, and the case was settled for $90,000. The complaint took place while he was registered with The Strategic Financial Alliance, Inc., and it was regarding private placement investment losses. 

May 2021. “Claimants allege that respondents did not conduct a reasonable due diligence on conservation easement investments made on January 3, 2019 and November 15, 2019, that the investments were misrepresented to them and that investments were unsuitable because they were misrepresented to them and claimants did not understand the investments.” The customer sought $105,000 in damages, and the case was settled for $150,000. The complaint took place while he was registered with Green Vista Capital, LLC and The Strategic Financial Alliance, Inc., and it was regarding private placement investment losses. 

March 2021. “Claimants allege breach of fiduciary duty, negligence, and negligent supervision between 2014 and 2020.” The case is currently pending. The complaint took place while he was registered with Green Vista Capital, LLC, and it was regarding conservation easement investments. 

July 2020. “The Customer alleges that Pathfinder Business Strategies LLC/Tax Savings Professionals an entity owned by Mr. Miles recommended ad sold him clean coal tax credits in 2012. Prior to purchasing the services and tax credits, the customer alleges that he was told that the equipment had been put into service in 2005 and the tax credits were for coal that had already been processed. Due to a fraud committed by the issuer, the IRS denied the tax credits. the customer alleges that Mr. Miles told him that he would “make us whole”, but noted that E&O insurance carrier would not communicate with or accept his claim until the FBI, DOJ and IRS completed all their decisions and actions. The customer alleges that in Nov. 2019 and July 2020 he submitted a claim. The E&O insurance carrier told him that the claim was denied because Mr. Miles’ policy coverage was exhausted.” The customer is seeking $100,000 in damages, and the case is currently pending. The complaint took place while he was registered with Pathfinder Business Strategies, LLC, and it was regarding private placement investment losses. 

May 2019. “The Customer alleges that Pathfinder Business Strategies LLC/Tax Savings Professionals an entity owned by Mr. Miles breached the agreement whereby the Customer was guaranteed tax savings if he used Mr. Miles’ strategies. Moreover, the Customer alleges Mr. Miles directed him to purchase Clean Coal Tax Credit Strategy. The Customer alleges that the Mr. Miles informed him that he was the victim of a third party fraud. As a result, the Customer did not receive the guaranteed Tax Savings. The Customer claims damages in excess of $25,000 exclusive of costs, interest and attorney fees.” The customer is seeking $25,000 in damages, and the case is currently pending. 

April 2019. “[REDACTED] and [REDACTED] (“Plaintiffs”) allege that Andrew Miles as well as two entities owned by Mr. Miles (Pathfinder Business Strategies LLC and Tax Savings Professionals LLC.) and three (3) other individuals (Defendants”), breached the agreement whereby Defendants would provide tax planning and wealth preservation tax advice. Moreover, the Plaintiffs allege the Defendants directed them to purchase a clean coal energy tax credits without properly vetting Ecotec (Issuer). Furthermore, the Plaintiffs allege that the Defendants failed to provide expert tax and/or investment strategies so that the Plaintiffs would receive tax savings; failed to provide expert advice concerning tax deductions, credits and procedures, failed to save Plaintiffs $400,000 in U.S. taxes and failed to refund all sums paid to Defendants among other allegations. Additionally, Plaintiffs allege that Defendants made false statements and misrepresentations about their level of expertise, type of services and vetting process of Ecotec. Plaintiff also allege unjust enrichment as Defendants received fees, commission, kickbacks and/or other payment in connection with Plaintiff’s investment in Ecotec.” The customer sought $1,677,344 in damages, and the case was settled for $500,000. The complaint took place while he was registered with The Strategic Financial Alliance, Inc., and it was regarding private placement investment losses. 

Pursuant to FINRA Rules, member firms are responsible for supervising a broker’s activities during the time the broker is registered with the firm. Therefore, Green Vista Capital, LLC may be liable for investment or other losses suffered by Andrew Miles’ customers.

Erez Law represents investors in the United States for claims against brokers and brokerage firms for wrongdoing. If you have experienced investment losses, please call us at 888-840-1571 or complete our contact form for a free consultation. Erez Law is a nationally recognized law firm representing individuals, trusts, corporations and institutions in claims against brokerage firms, banks and insurance companies on a contingency fee basis.

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Author: Jeffrey Erez

The founder of Erez Law, Jeffrey Erez, focuses exclusively on securities arbitration and litigation. Mr. Erez passionately believes in representing aggrieved investors and obtaining justice for his clients through litigation.